Live a Happy and Healthy Life!

Most of us actually do now drink enough water on daily basis.  Water is essential for our body to function but is that the only thing that’s important to keep ourselves healthy?  Absolutely Not!

There are many othe factor that we have to focus on other than  keeping yourself hydrated.  Few of those factors are:

Eating Well:  Eating more fruits is not only hydrating yourself but they’re filled with essential nutrients.  Fruits like Watermelon, Apricots, Avocado, Apple, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Guava, Papaya, Strawberries are found to be most nutritious fruits.  Similar to fruits, vegetables are also important for wel being of your health.  Most of people now a days do not intake enough vegetable in their daily meals. We should have atleast 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetable so stray introducing more vegetables to yourself.  

Exercise:  Along with eating well it’s also important to exercise so make a routine exercise regime for yourself.  Exercise not only keep you fit bit also lowering of risk of diseases, higher bone density and weight loss.  It also gives you lot of energy and keep you active.  Another important thing to keep in mind about exercise is to make sure to find different types of exercises for different body parts so you’re not only focusing on one part of your body.

 Rest:  Most important part to live and stay healthy is get Enough Rest.  Yes really essential to rest along with eating, drinking, exercising.  If you don’t get enough rest or sleep your body doesn’t funtion well so find that time to be alone and relax.  Meditation is also a good way relax yourself and gain energy at the same time.

Be Happy and Love yourself:  if you’re not happy with yourself in any way it really impacts your health first.  Unknowingly but most of the time it creeps up and shows on your face.  So learn to so things that would make you happy.  Look at thing with a positive reaction instead of negative.  

It’s guaranteed if you follow all of the above tips you will see an instant change in yourself and soon enough you’ll be destined to healthy life. 

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