Mango’s – Delicious and Healty

Native to the Southeast Asia region, Mangoes are in demand during the summer and monsoon seasons. The obsession goes back to 4,000 years. There are hundreds of varieties of mangoes, each with a distinctive taste, flavor, shape and colour.

Besides being pleasent on the palate, mangoes come packed with nutritional value. Studies have shown that mangoes are capable of improving immunity, boost the digestive health and improves eyesight.

Mangoes contain very less percentage of saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium. They are an excellent source of essential dietary fibers and vitamin B6. Mangoes also contain good amount of vitamin A and vitamin C. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, minerals like potassium, magnesium and copper are present in abundance in them. Added to that, mangoes are one of the best sources of astragalin, beta-carotene, quercetin and pantothenic acid and selenium.

Glowing Skin and Hair

Mangoes are just great for healthy hair. They contain vitamin A, required for sebum growth and production. Sebum keeps the hair hydrated and moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for all the bodily tissues of skin and hair.

Appropriate vitamin C intake, found in just few grams of mango, is needed to build and maintain collagen. Collagen provides elasticity and structure to skin and hair.

May Support Eye Health

Community Eye Health Journal suggests mango is full with nutrients that support healthy eyesight. The two key nutrients present are the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. These accumulate inside the cells of retina. Retina is that part the eyes which converts light into brain signals so that the brain can understands what we are seeing. Not just that, inside the retina, the two antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin act as a sunblock, absorbing and reflecting excess light. They also protect the eyes from the harmful blue light. In addition to all of that, mangoes also have a good quantity of vitamin A, which promotes healthy eyes.

Boost Immunity

Mangoes are a good source of immune-boosting nutrients

According to Sciencedirect Vitamin A is present in mangoes which is vital for a healthy immune system, as it helps fight diseases and infections. On top of that, mangoes also meet the daily vitamin C needs of the body. Vitamin C can help the body create more disease-fighting white blood cells(WBC). Mangoes are also packed with folate, vitamin E, vitamin K and several B vitamins, which promotes our healthy immunity.

Maintain Bone Health

National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests Low consumption of vitamin K is often being associated with a considerable higher risk of bone dysfunction. Regular adequate vitamin K intake is possible by eating mangoes. Vitamin K improves calcium absorption and so are essential for healthy bones.

Induces Good Digestion

Mangoes due to their high fibre and water content, help to eliminate constipation and also ensure healthy digestive tract. Ripe Mangoes also have good amount of activated Amylases in it. Amylases are digestive enzymes that are responsible for break down of large food molecules. Amylases mainly break down complex carbs particles into sugars, such as glucose and maltose, according to National centre for Biotechnology Information.

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