Be a Superman/woman!

Viparita shalabhasana, is also known as the superman pose, can give you tremendous ab workout.  The pose also gives a tone to your body and strengthens your arms, shoulders, lower back and legs.  Additionally, this pose gives you lot of energy as it tends to stretch the chest and improves blood circulation.


Steps to do the pose:

  • Lie down on your stomach with your chin resting on the ground and your toes flat on the floor.
  • Now stretch your arms out in front of you as far as you can.
  • Take a deep breath in and slowly lift your arms, chest, thighs and legs off the floor. Now gently try and stretch your arms and legs away from the torso. Also, ensure that your knees and elbows are not bent.
  • Hold the position as you take consecutive deep breaths.
  • To release, exhale and gently lower your arms, chest and legs on the ground.

Do not do this Aasan/pose if:

  • you have had a recent abdominal surgery.
  • you are pregnant or are menstruating.
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