Get Happy Feet for the Summer

With the harsh winter past us and warmer days coming, its time to kick the socks off and let those toes breath a bit while slipping on some slippers, but wait… are your toes ready?  

A bit of grooming may be needed and here are some tips to get your “Happy Feet”.

You probably neglected your feet in the winters, because they were covered at all times. But, now that it is time to show them off again, getting a pedicure every 15-20 days is a great idea. A professional pedicure takes care of issues like ingrown nails, dry heels or rough and thickened skin. You can also get a fancy nail artwork done to show-off your feet in sandals.

If you thought that sunscreen was only for your arms, face and neck, you could not be any more wrong! With your feet getting just as much exposure in the summer as your face or arms, it is smart to ensure that they are also protected against the UV rays. So, do not forget to apply liberal amount of sunscreen on your feet as well, before stepping out.

Exfoliate your feet every three to four days. You can use a mixture of olive oil and sugar to get rid of dead skin and reveal healthy and soft feet. After every shower, remember to use a good foot cream to lock the moisture in. Also, apply a coat of body lotion a few times throughout the day, as and when you get time. At the end of a tiring day, soaking your feet in warm water, with a few drops of baby shampoo will help to cleanse and relax them. Along with this, scrub your heels with a pumice stone, and push back the cuticles and clean the nails.

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