H2O 4 U, its not just a trend.

May it be plain or in form of other flavored fluids it’s a fact that drinking water is essential for your health.

When your body doesn’t have enough water, you are actually dehydrated. Dehydration also can keep you from being up to speed and as alert as you like to be. Dehydration can also make you sick at times.

There so many reasons to keep yourself hydrated or to drink water. Lot of people tend to carry around water bottles now a days and that’s a good habit to keep. It’s wise to use special bottles so you can keep track of how much water you consumed.

Here are few benefits for you to consider drinking more fluids:

Increases Energy: when your body functioning at its best you tend to feel better and perform better.

Reduces Aging: It naturally keeps your skin moisturized, improves complexion and eliminates wrinkles too.

Remedy to sickness: You have probably heard million times doctors recommending lots of fluids when you have viruses or flu like symptoms. Well its only because fluids actually flushes out all the toxins and prevents any virus to spread more.

Weight Loss: Water not only regulates your immune system but reduces hunger. If you intake water or fluids before meals or any other time in fact it gives you the feeling of satisfaction. So by consuming water before meals it reduces your appetite to eat. This does not mean you don’t eat at all but just try to replace some of your food intake with fluids from time to time.

There many other reasons like reduces headaches, prevents cramps etc. but most important one are covered so don’t wait and start a routine intake of water and see it yourself. Do make sure not to over do it.

Additionally, Adding more fruits and vegetable to your meals can be a great source of water as well. Fresh fruits and vegetables can assist in hydrating our bodies almost as well as a glass of water can. Strawberry & Watermelon for example contains over 90% of water content.

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