Horoscope Predictions for February

Eclipse season is back, for this month we have two, one in your opposite sign of Leo, kicking off a period of two years when the coming eclipses will be in Aquarius and Leo. This is big news, for until now, there have been no eclipses emphasizing your sign, not since 2008-2009. Those eclipses during those years were tough ones, but planets have since moved, and this year, I am amazed how friendly and supportive the new crop of Aquarius and Leo eclipses will be.

This family of eclipses will continue until January 2019, occurring every six months. Eclipses come in pairs, but this month the second eclipse will be a solar eclipse in Pisces on February 26, marking the last one of the series of eclipses in Virgo-Pisces that started back in 2015. This all means that you are starting an entirely new chapter in your life, and that your lifestyle is meant to change in some appreciable way. The next set of eclipses this year will come August 7 and 21, and those will be powerful and outstandingly supportive!

You will have more than usual control over events, and things should go your way. The new moon that occurred at 8 degrees Aquarius on January 27 just days prior to the start of February is still very strong. This is your annual cosmic gift certificate from a loving universe to help you create a happy year ahead. You can direct its energies any way you please.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and this month, and continuing all through 2017, Uranus, planet of innovation, change, disruption, and creativity (especially in high tech and sciences), will receive stabilizing golden beams from Saturn, the planet of permanence and longevity. Before Uranus was discovered in 1781, Saturn was your ruler, Aquarius, so astrologers look at both planets when forecasting for you. You have BOTH your rulers working in sync in an outstandingly friendly way, a sure sign that this year you will be able to capture your goals. This is wonderful news!

If you do research, writing, or experimentation (and what Aquarian does not?), you will do exceptionally well all year, but especially in February. Aquarius also rules humanitarian, community, political, and charitable work, and those areas also glow for you. Uranus, your ruler, considered the higher octave of Mercury, takes the thinking, perceiving, and communicating talents of Mercury to an entirely new level, resynthesizing information, ideas, and thought to create something completely new, to the level of genius.

Your role in life is to be the futurist, to see what is coming up over the distant horizon before the rest of us see it. You are the innovator of the zodiac, and now invention will allow you to add stability to your life. Your ideas will more quickly be accepted and adopted by society, much to your amazement. When has this ever happened? This month, share your ideas with VIPs without hesitation – among them is one that may be quite a blockbuster.

If your birthday falls on January 27, or within five days of this date, you will benefit the most from this new moon, although all Aquarius will have something to cheer about. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising, the moon in Aquarius, or a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 8 degrees (in each case allow a plus or minus five degrees.) If any of these mathematical qualifiers fit your chart, you will love the first ten days of February.

The first of the eclipses in the Aquarius-Leo family of eclipses will occur on February 10 in your house of marriage and partnership. There are several ways this can play out. First, and perhaps the most likely way, is for an engagement. This eclipse is falling within four days of Valentine’s Day, February 14, so if you have been dating seriously, it appears your partner is getting serious, and one of you may pop the question, and when it happens you’ll be overjoyed.

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