How Food and Sex relates to Health Issues.

There has always been a connection between what you eat and the way it either improves or harms your body’s health, including sexual health.  Its a subject on the minds of many, but often not approached, especially in South Asian communities.

What most may not understand is that its not just about sex, but rather about how different foods may affect your natural libido which essentially can be connected to the overall health of your body.

There are many underlining causes for a low libido which may be related to other health issues such as Menopause, Hormonal Changes, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and even Depression.

If your feeling a bit “sluggish”, here are some foods which may help increase your body’s libido naturally.


Spice up your food first, suggests research conducted by various organizations. Green, yellow and red peppers can be added to your salad, pasta or vegetable dish while green chilies can be incorporated into soups and curries.

Chocolate is the most enjoyable of foods and needs no cooking! Chocolates contain methamphetamine that increase your sensitivity to touch and phenylethlamine increases the level of excitement that a person perceives. Dark chocolate is the best as it has high levels of cocoa.  Garlic when cooked has aphrodisiac properties. Some studies also give a thumbs up to Cinnamon which will also help control your blood sugar if your Diabetic.

Watermelons contain citruline which makes the blood vessels expand thus increasing the blood flow to the pelvic organs. Whip it into a juice or smoothie or enjoy it cut up. Other fruits to add to your diet when sex is on your mind are Pomegranates, Figs, Tomatoes and Apples. Another fruit which deserves mention is the Banana as it is loaded with potassium and other minerals. Enriched with potassium and folic acid which kick start your stamina and energy levels, Avocados are a must-try.  Fruits will also give your body essential vitamins and fiber helping your digestive and immune systems.

Apart from its medicinal properties in curing coughs, Honey can also boost your sex drive. Have a spoonful daily and feel the difference. Almonds are great for snacking as they are full of good fats, fiber and vitamin E and also work on your sagging libido in more than one way.

So there you have it, like we said, some of what you eat can benefit you in multiple ways.