How To Survive the First Two Weeks of College

College is a lot of things; fun, scary, overwhelming, memorable, intimidating, and so much more. I remember when I was driving down to college with a car packed full of all my belongings, I had no idea what I was walking into. If you are going to a school where you don’t already know anyone, expectations can be all over the place. How will I make friends? What are classes like? What if I don’t like my roommate? These are all valid questions every eighteen-year-old asks themselves the closer they get to the first day of school.

The most important advice I could give as a senior to an incoming freshman is to take advantage of every opportunity. Having friends from different groups and activities makes so you always have something going on. Go to all the events the first few weeks, put yourself out there, and join as many clubs as you can. Greek life is also a great option, even if you think it’s not for you. My biggest regret of college was dropping out of my sorority. I never gave it the chance it deserved. Fraternities and sororities give you instant friends and a variety of activities to be a part of.

Aside from getting involved with the school right away, connecting with your professors is vital. It is so easy to arrive at class and sit in the back where no one can see you but do yourself a favor and don’t hide. Professors are the people who will be writing your letters of recommendation, helping you find jobs, and being there for you throughout your academic career. If you have questions or need extra help, go to their office hours. Professors love to have relationships with students, that is what they are here for.

College is a melting pot of people from all over the country and even the world. Be open to new friendships. The friends you make will surprise you. Your roommate may not be your best friend, maybe the girl/boy you sit next to in class will be. Or the person behind you in line at the dining all. In the first
few weeks, everyone is looking to make friends. If you are an introvert, this is the one time not to be. Trust me, all incoming freshmen are hoping to meet new people as badly as you are. College is a roller coaster ride. There are a lot of ups and downs. You will make the most special memories of your life. You will meet people that will be your lifelong friends. I wish I could go back to freshman year and do it all again. Soak up every moment you can, it’ll be gone before you know it!

Also Read: The Ultimate Dorm Room Packing Guide.