Natural Facial Hair Remedies

Experiencing excess facial hair? Do you use options like bleaching, waxing, threading or shaving very regularly to get rid of the unwanted hair?, Here are a few chemical-free home remedies that can help you deal with this problem

Sugar Mix
With a home-made wax-like substance, it is possible to remove facial hair quite effectively; however, you need to be prepared for the process to get a little messy and maybe even painful when compared to the turmeric or besan face pack. The molten sugar in this recipe provides the stickiness; honey and lemon act as bleach as well as help to soothe the skin. Take about a tablespoon of sugar in a vessel, add in a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice; heat this lightly or microwave for about 3 minutes and mix to get a smooth paste. When the paste is still slightly warm, apply it to the part of the face from where you need to pluck the hair. Cover the area with a strip of cloth and immediately pull the cloth in the direction opposite to that in which the hair is growing.

Turmeric Mask
Besides being good for one’s complexion and the antibacterial effect, turmeric is also said to have the property of curbing hair growth. Make a fluid paste by soaking turmeric powder in water, apply to the facial area where you have excess hair and leave on for a few minutes. After it dries, use a cloth dipped in warm water to wipe away the turmeric and the hair, too.

Gram Flour Mask
Traditionally, women in many Indian homes regularly used a face pack made by mixing gram flour or besan with turmeric. This was said to have the ability to remove the excess hair on the face, particularly around the mouth and chin. Mix equal amounts of besan and turmeric and add a little water to make a thick paste. Apply to the problematic part of the face, leave on until it dries totally and then dip a cloth in warm water and use to rub off this face mask – you will find that along with the besan mixture, the strands of hair are also removed.

Egg Mark
Another remedy that works to pull off the hair in an action similar to waxing is the egg mask. This is quite easy to try at home because all ingredients are easily available. Take the white of one egg, add in 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of corn flour. Beat to make a smooth paste and apply this to the portion of your face that has unwanted hair. Once it dries, it will take on the appearance of a thin mask covering your face; all you have to do is pull it off firmly and the hair will get pulled out, too.

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