Resolutions for a Better 2023

The most common New Year’s resolutions involve healthier eating habits and intense workout routines, which can seem like a hefty promise to keep up for the entire year. Resolutions don’t have to be life-altering commitments, and they can be as simple as reading ten pages a day or waking up twenty minutes earlier. The most important aspect of choosing a resolution is to look back at the past year and figure out what needs to change.

For instance, maybe last year you spent too much money on things you barely used. So, in 2023, setting limits on how much you spend and asking yourself, “Will I use this item enough to make this purchase worth it?” can go a long way.

According to Healthline, “a 2009 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology… concluded that, on average, it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.” 66 days seems like awhile from the day you start, but once the habit is formed, it’s there forever.

One of my favorite New Year’s resolutions is spending less time on your phone. Now, with an Apple iPhone, you can track exactly how many minutes you spend on each app. You can set time limits each day for different apps, stopping yourself from unknowingly spending two hours on TikTok.

If you’re not someone who spends a lot of time on your phone anyway, there are numerous other resolutions to increase mental health and awareness. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you feel more appreciative of every day you get to experience. Similarly, practicing meditation, even for fifteen minutes a day, can help ease anxiety and improve mental and physical well-being.

If you’re looking for a resolution that doesn’t have to do with health, fitness, or budgeting, simply create a new passion. Try writing a short story, completing a puzzle every day, cooking more exciting home- cooked meals, gardening, or reading a new book at least once a month. There are endless activities and interests you can devote yourself to this year.

Every day that you spend doing something you love, will transcend into an overall happier and healthier life. Don’t wait until next year; find something you need more or less of, and start today!

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