Spring Grooming for Men.

Ok Men, As the temperature is getting warmer its time for a bit of “Spring Cleaning” which you should do to groom yourself.

Here are suggestions for giving your body a proper spring makeover, from slashing the thick locks of your winter haircut to the perfect summer shave.

Warm weather calls for less of a ‘bushy’ look when it comes to your hair, but don’t go overboard and shear it all off. Ask the barber to fade your sides with a number 2 guard, and keep about 3 to 4 inches on the top side.  Slick back your hair with some pomade for the boardroom look and wear it off to the side with texturizing cream for a night on the town.

Your sense of smell becomes more heightened in the spring, so dial it down a notch with your colone.  Retire those musky scents for some fruit based notes, like those found in Calvin Klein’s Reveal.  As an added bonus, the scent of a pear can ease a bit of anxiety.  Don’t spray down your self, stick to a spritz or two. The “Viking Beard” doesn’t work well on a summer vacation.  Trim it back a few days length.  Start off with a number 3 guard and then with a number 5, blend in those ‘burns’.  Remove the guard and clean up around your neck and the tops of your cheeks.
