5 Tips to Help Save the Planet

In honor of Earth Day, here’s 5 easy things everyone can do to help the environment:

1. Recycle

Recycling is an easy way to reduce the amount of waste being thrown in landfills and lessen the use and production of raw materials. For example, for each ton of cardboard that is recycled, 46 gallons of oil are saved. Recycling also provides valuable exports to India and China and creates more jobs. Materials that can be recycled are paper, cardboard, glass bottles, and aluminum cans. Materials that cannot be recycled are any food-tainted items, ceramics, plastic wrap, and styrofoam.

2. Public Transportation

For people who live in cities, using public transportation is a great way to reduce carbon emissions that travel to the atmosphere. These greenhouses gases that are released from the burning of fuel travel up to the atmosphere and stay there, blocking heat onto Earth’s surface which contributes to climate change. Climate change has significant impacts to the planet such as drought and wildfires that can lead to a decline in water supplies and agricultural success. By using public transportation, everyone can do their part in reducing this risk.

3. Sustainable Shopping

When shopping, choosing stores and brands that are environmentally conscious is also a good way to help the environment. Fast fashion brands that use cheap materials cause a buildup of clothes in landfills that contribute to the emission of methane and other potent greenhouse gases. Sustainable shopping might be a little more expensive, but the material more durable and better for the environment.

4. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bag

When going grocery shopping, it makes a difference if people bring their own reusable bags instead of relying on the plastic bags most stores provide at checkout. These plastic bags take around 300 years to degrade in landfills, and then they end up releasing toxins into the ground that leads to a decrease in plant health biodiversity in that area, especially if unknowing animals attempt to digest it. It is better to reduce the amount of plastic bags being thrown away by using reusable ones instead.

5. Light Bulbs

Using energy efficient light bulbs are more convenient for people and the environment. They last up to 12 times longer than normal light bulbs, so they they don’t need to be changed as much. These light bulbs also use less energy for the same amount of light, so they also help reduce carbon emissions with less fuel being burned to power them.

There is one Earth, and it’s home to everyone, so implementing these tips and others on a day to day basis can help everyone reduce their carbon footprint and live a more sustainable life. Happy Earth Day!