a Chai a day keeps the doc away

Surprising health benefits of tea.

The cure for those tired and puffy eyes. Soak a couple of tea bags in warm water and place them over our eyes for 15 minutes.  Tannins, a natural astringent found in tea will help reduce those puffy eyes and works well for dark circles.


Shed those pounds.  Drinking Green Tea helps burn body fat due to the catechins which will also boost your metabolism and cure digestive issues.

The clear skin remedy. Green tea is packed with everything “Anti”.. antioxidants, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, etc.  Gently rubbing some moist Green Tea leaves on your face before bed and drinking a cup at breakfast will help clear the Acne and give you a natural glow.  Create a home made scrub by mixing some Green Tea with water and sugar which is great to       exfoliate while hydrating your skin for a silky smooth feel.

Fresh brewed tea rubbed into your hair is a great conditioner which gives you a natural shine.  Black tea is also a natural hair dye, mixed with some Rosemary and Sage overnight then strain and apply this mixture your hair for about 30 minutes before washing out.

Smelly feet no more.  Boil some strong tea for about 20 minutes and let cool till lukewarm.  Soaking your feet in the “tea water” will close the pores which release that foul odor from sweat.