Beer, Good for your health?

Beer is the world’s most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and is outranked only by water and tea, in terms of its popularity. Yet it’s not uncommon for hardcore beer drinkers to feel a tad guilty about having one too many at times.

Well, not anymore!

The next time you take a swig of your favorite lager, just remember it can be good for you too.

Beer has most of the essential minerals we need to stay in good health. In fact it was a staple diet of many cultures during the Middle Ages, when drinking beer was key to survival during harsh winters.

A study by a reputed medical journal found that women who drank in moderation boasted of improved cognitive functioning as compared to teetotalers.   A study also reveals that drinking beer in moderation (about one pint a day) is conducive to the good health of blood vessels close to the heart. It’s said to raise the flexibility of the arteries and improve blood flow.

Middle-aged male drinkers have a reduced risk of developing kidney stones, states a study by The American Journal of Epidemiology. Consuming one bottle of beer per day, cut the risk of kidney stones by approx 40 percent.

Another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, states that drinking beer protects bone-mineral density due to its high silicon content, enabling the entry of calcium and other minerals into bone tissue.

Sipping on a cold one post a strenuous workout could re-hydrate the body faster than water.While the carbonation in the beer is a natural thirst quencher, its high carbohydrate content acts as an instant energy booster.

..So now that you know the health benefits of guzzling a few chilled lagers… go ahead and indulge. Cheers!

But do remember, moderation is key; and NEVER drink and drive.

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