How To Get Rid Of Those Annoying Allergies

Allergies have become a really common type of condition and exist in many different forms. When you come into contact with the allergen, your immune system’s reaction can inflame your skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.

The most common seasonal allergies can be painful and most irritating at the same time.  So what’s the solution to avoid the most annoying allergies?

Avoiding things you’re most allergic to is always the best treatment for allergies. There are many easy cleaning methods and adopting herbal way that can significantly decrease allergies. Make sure you’re in a most comfortable environment as far as air quality and temperatures goes. Having a good ventilation is also very helpful to people who lot of allergies.
Don’t eat raw food at the peak of allergy season. Eat warm foods. Eating warm cooked foods gives the digestive fire a chance to rest and that can reduce allergy symptoms too.

Have you tries Green Tea? Well this is perfect time to do that! Green tea is very good for people with allergies and known to reduce allergy symptoms since it contains natural antihistamines. A cup of hot green tea in the morning help prevent morning sneezing.

Using warm spices in your food to support digestive system can be healthy and fight with your allergies — particularly ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper. Even herbs like mint and tulsi can be very helpful not only with allergies but with minor cold and coughs as well.

Most impactful and powerful way to fight seasonal allergies is to do a daily practice of pranayama or breath techniques of Yoga. It’s not as hard as it sounds. Actually every breath you take defines the exercise of pranayama but who really takes each breath completely? Try it yourself, see how much you can breath in and out consciously and unconsciously. You will find a huge difference in both breathing techniques. So all you need it 15 to 30 minutes of your day to practice paranayama with deep breathing in and out that is known to open up you air passage and gives even flow of oxygen to your body. If you don’t give up and perform pranayama religiously you are sure to see the results over time.

Now the choice is yours to either experiment with above remedies that may possibly help you or live in a bubble from where you can just see others enjoying life.

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