The Benefits of Meditating Every Day

Meditation may seem like something far away, something time consuming only certain people can accomplish. But I’m here to show you it is simple, and five minutes of concentrated breathing can change your entire day around.

So, what is meditation? It’s a process of calming your brain and controlling your thoughts. It can be used to mediate stress, redirect your thoughts, and/or become more aware of your mind and body.

Beyond stress, meditation is mentally beneficial for those suffering from long-term illnesses. A study in 2013 by Science Direct reported that the results of their experiment (finding a comparison between mindfulness and stress reduction) “suggest behavioral interventions designed to reduce emotional reactivity may be of therapeutic benefit in chronic inflammatory conditions”.

If you don’t actively struggle with anxiety or long-term health concerns, meditation can improve the way you see yourself. Many athletes practice meditation before competitions, repeating affirmations such as “I am talented”, “I am strong and capable of anything” can go a long way. Believing you can succeed is the first step to success.

There are various forms of meditation. Some aim to achieve a relaxed state of mind, while others focus on mental and physical improvement of yourself over time. By having a deeper understanding of yourself (which meditation hopes to accomplish), you can better interpret your relationship with yourself and others. Also Read: Tips for Self-Healing and Mindfulness

Another study completed by the National Library of Medicine found that “153 adults who used a mindfulness meditation app for 2 weeks, experienced reduced feelings of loneliness and increased social contact compared with those in a control group.”

One of the most important benefits of meditation is that it can lengthen your attention span. Nowadays, with TikTok and other social media, I feel like my attention span has shortened by the day. The National Library of Medicine concluded a study that showed meditating for less than 15 minutes a day could heighten both attention and memory.

Furthermore, one of the main reasons people cannot sleep at night is because their mind is racing with thoughts, what if scenarios, and insecurities. If you can master the art of meditation by controlling your thoughts and breathing patterns, specifically before going to bed, you can train your mind to relax. Even if your brain doesn’t seem to calm down after meditating, your body definitely has.

Meditation has increased in popularity over recent years for a reason. Meditation can be done anywhere. As long as you learn the dos and don’ts, you can meditate at work, before bed, or even in a crowd of people. Learning how to release tension and anxiety in a healthy way is the first step to bettering yourself. And what easier way to improve your life than by simply closing your eyes and listening to yourself breathe?


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