"The Hangover" and the Cure

Got a nasty Hangover? We’ve got the cure to help.  No need to upset your entire day, of course its best to avoid actions which caused the hangover, but here are a few options to ease the suffering.


When you pour a steady stream of alcohol into your body, your liver is too busy metabolizing the booze to maintain adequate blood sugar levels, Because glucose is the primary energy source of the brain, low levels can cause weakness and a bad mood. But a glass of Tomato Juice will provide enough sugar to get your levels up and running again, and its inflammation-fighting lycopene and serious hydrating factor don’t hurt, either.

The incredible, edible Egg packs heavy loads of cysteine, an amino acid that can break down toxins your body hasn’t, Plus, they are high in B vitamins, which can reduce hangover symptoms. Another great solution is drinking Coconut Water which will greatly help hydrate your body.  While sports drinks do contain the electrolytes which you need after partaking in one too many adult beverages, they also often contain ingredients like artificial food dyes that don’t do your brain cells any favors. A low-sugar coconut water, on the other hand, contains just as many electrolytes.

Another popular hangover cure is the good old “Cup of Joe”, Coffee contains caffeine which raises the blood pressure that helps the body to metabolize the alcohol faster apart from providing some relief from the drowsy feeling and headaches.  More than a hangover cure, this is a hangover prevention aid. Here, you need to be a bit quirky and eat a few Bananas before you hit the bar. The potassium in the banana and its complex carbohydrates has a re-hydrating and coating effect on the intestines, helping you recover faster from the alcohol excess.

Orange Juice is among the commonest of home remedies for hangovers. It performs the function of rehydration with great intensity and the Vitamin C acts as a counter to that nauseous feeling. You can combine this with boiled or scrambled eggs and lightly toasted bread. The protein from eggs helps the liver to filter the toxins of alcohol faster while toast has a charcoal-like effect, preventing bloating or vomiting caused by alcohol.