The Kapoor Father-Son bond

The world’s seen the Father-Son team of Rishi and Ranbir Kapoor perform in front of thousands of fans worldwide, but some may wonder what kind of relationship do they have.  Recently Actor Rishi Kapoor opened up about his relationship with his son and gave some insight to the duo.  rk4

“Out of respect I was always very scared of my father. I don’t know about Ranbir; of course he respects me, but I’ve never been friends with him and that is my biggest drawback. It’s also a deep regret but again, I don’t know, Only time will tell if it is something that’s good or not. I used to drink with my dad, though out of respect, I never smoked in front of him. Similarly I can share a drink with Ranbir, but he doesn’t smoke in front of me though I know he smokes. I never made friends with Ranbir and though I regret it, I am also not one of those guys who would want to be on back-slapping terms with my son.” –  said Kapoor

rk1Senior Kapoor says that he is proud of the fact that his son has an overall good reputation being well behaved and gives all the credit to his wife and actress Neetu Singh. “The credit for all this goes entirely to Neetu. I was diametrically opposite when I was his age, being arrogant and brattish, but what the hell? It was 1974, I was being paid a salary of 5 lakh a month and half the world was crazy about me,”

“He’s a great son, he listens to me but I don’t interfere in his career because my career is mine and his is his” – added Kapoor.

Well, all the fans of both Rishi and Ranbir Kapoor are sure to be eagerly waiting to see more of this duo together again.