Three things you should do everyday

We’ve all heard the saying it only takes 21 days to create a habit. Whether this is technically true or not, doing the same thing every day ultimately will build a routine. Here are a few things you should do every day to increase optimism and confidence in your life.

Make your bed. From a young age, we are told to make our bed every day. Yet a lot of us struggle to even do that. Making your bed after you get up starts your day off on the right foot. It also encourages you to keep a neat room and space. A clean space is known in turn to increase productivity. Also Read: 3 Easy and Delicious Meal Ideas.

Make time to journal. From writing down your feelings to writing down what you are grateful for, writing is always a healthy habit. It boosts creativity and helps release stress and tension. I have found that expressing my feelings through writing brings both comfort and relief. For instance, journaling your feelings about something that you know you’ll never be able to share out loud can be alleviating. Writing stimulates the mind making it a positive habit to implement into your daily life.

Read. Although reading can seem like a shore, once you find a story you can relate to, reading is an escape. I believe if you don’t like reading, you just haven’t read the right books yet. Apart from allowing you to immerse yourself into a life outside your own, reading improves concentration, literacy and sleep patterns by exercising the brain. The more you read, the better your vocabulary, the better you write and the better you can focus.

Creating a habit can seem intimidating at first, but after three weeks it won’t seem like a task anymore. Find things that make you feel productive which in turn will boost optimism and joy. Every few weeks, try to find a new habit you can adopt so you can persistently better yourself and your lifestyle. It can start with one simple step; making your bed

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