"Fast Yoga" the new weight loss exercise.

Yoga as a form of exercise in combined with a good diet plan, helps weight loss, yoga has certain forms that rely on speed, up-tempo, cardio and strength related work. Such forms of yoga can, undeniably, help weight loss. Contemporary yoga forms like power yoga, for instance, are rich in moves that promote agility and calorie-burning.


  • Some yoga exercises that are physically challenging can help you burn calories
  • Yoga exercises that challenge you can increase your heart rate
  • Yoga poses help lengthen and tense muscles
  • Yoga poses help make your joints supple and flexible

Power yoga is a new and modern form of traditional “meditation” yoga and has gained popularity around the world because of its fast pace which gives you a whole body workout, with flexibility, toning, strength building, and functional movements and also elicits properties of what a good aerobics or cardio session can do.

If yoga is the exercise for you, then you need to find an experienced yoga professional and be clear with them about your weight loss goals. You will need to set a balanced diet routine for yourself, so that you do not sabotage your yoga weight loss efforts with bad eating habits.

Though fast yoga may help you lose weight, there are a few parameters that decide the pace of your weight loss. Determination, dedication and discipline should be followed for an effective weight loss program.

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