The Potato fights back!

Potatoes can be found in almost any cuisine around the world and are one of the basic food staples,  but through out history have gotten a bad reputation for being blamed for everything from being “gassy” to too much starch or carbs for your diet.

Well the mighty Potato is fighting back to defend its reputation and set things straight on the benefits it can provide. p2

Often smothered in cheese, mixed up with mayo, deep-fried or lathered in exotic sauces you may thing its not the most healthy option but it actually packs some very real health perks.

One large spud baked with the skin on contains a whopping 1,600 milligrams of potassium, nearly half the recommended amount for an entire day and almost four times as much as a medium banana.  Potassium not only is a key essential electrolyte needed for hydration, it can also play a role in lowering blood pressure.

Need Fiber? Potatoes can provide 7 grams of dietary fiber when eaten with the skin.  A fiber rich diet will keep you full longer, avoiding those snacks and its been shown to reduce the risk of a heart attack, lower cholesterols and blood sugars.

B6 and Manganese are also found in Potatoes which can play an essential role in protein production and bone formation.  Working ‘Behind the Scene”, B6 is needed for good Cardiovascular, Digestive and Immune health, not to mention strong muscles.

Another lesser known fact is that Potatoes are a good source for Vitamin C working as an antioxidant to heal wounds.