Flowers to add some "Zen" to your office

The world of business has become hectic and often the office workplace seems dull and dragging.  Now it may not be ideal to create a dream office like Google but some simple addition of flowers or plants can do wonders by adding a bit of “Zen”.
flowers1Dahlia’s and Chrysanthemum’s work are great for the finance department. Dark red chrysanthemum are very effective in creating new avenues for increasing wealth.

Gerbera Daisy’s and Jade plants are good for stabilizing finances. Gerbera and Jade plants are effective in stabilizing finances. Therefore these plants should be kept in the areas where monetary decisions and transactions are made.

English Ivy’s will calm negative vibes. All shades of this beautiful plant are great for all the areas of the office. Placing English Ivy’s near restrooms will benefit with removing negative energies emitted by harsh angles.

 Tulip’s and Carnation’s help boot workplace morale. Although you can use any shade of carnations, the white variety are ideal for motivating employees. Tulips and Carnations are believed to motivate and inspire and should be placed in the cubicles of the employees and the entrance of the office.

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