Strengthening and Toning your Abs with Hula Hoop

Using Weighted Hula Hoop is not just kids play anymore but it can be used as a great exercise tool. It’s found that a growing number of adults are using this for strengthening and toning their Abs into shape. Several celebrities have been seen recently in a hula hoop action and of course the First Lady of United States, Michelle Obama was seen doing Hula Hoop in the past.

To start off all you have to do is dedicate 30 minutes (5 times a week) out of your busy day and have some fun. 

 The American Council on Exercise (ACE) had funded a study done at the University of Wisconsin, and found that a 30 minute Weighted Hula Hoop workout which consisted of hooping moves and twirling motions around the arms, waist, and legs burned roughly 7 calories per minutes that’s burning 210 calories in 30 minutes.

It may take some time to be an expert at Hula Hoop but start slowing and once you get hang of it you will be on a roll. 

Doing weighted Hula Hoops will strengthen your abdominal muscles and tone your stomach. As your body moves and keeps the hoop in rotation, all of the muscles receive a thorough workout while your body parts like thighs and arms also benefits at the same time. 

 There are several other benefits from Hula Hooping if done right and regularly as an exercise regime. This regular exercise can be useful in increasing stamina, losing weight and improving balance while having fun.