Skinny guys can have muscles too.

When we think of a skinny guy the image of a muscular built individual doesn’t 1st come to mind, in fact skinny guys themselves often struggle to get away from that image and think they just need to work our harder, hitting the gym in a relentless effort to bulk up.  skinnymuscl1-horz

Well to all those “skinny guys” out there, ever think you may be working too hard in the wrong way? The right workout along with a balanced meal plan is the winning combination for success, and were going to give you the formula.

Perform the following 3 exercises 3 days a week, resting a day in between each session.  Vary the sets and reps. Day 1 do 5 sets of each rep resting a minute, Day 2 doing 3 sets each and rest 90 seconds between.  Come up with the combination which is most doable for you, the key is variation each day.

The Pull Up: Grab a pull-up bar gripping your hands outside the shoulder width. Allow your body to hang then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and then lower yourself back to the starting position. That’s one rep.


The Squat: Set up a barbell on the supports of a squat rack. Step underneath the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and let the bar touch your upper traps. Grab the bar with your hands as close together as is comfortable. Nudge the bar off the rack, take three steps backward, and stand with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly outward. 1) Take a deep breath and bend your hips back as far as you can, keeping the arch in your lower back. Then bend your knees and lower your body as far as you can 2) Explode back upward to the starting position. That’s one rep.


The Clean and Press: Set a barbell on the floor, crouch down, and grab it with hands shoulder-width apart. Your lower back should be in its natural arch. Explosively stand up and shrug the bar, coming up onto the balls of your feet. As the bar rises to chest level, flip your wrists over so that your palms face the ceiling and your upper arms are in the bottom position of a shoulder press. From here, press the bar straight overhead. Reverse the motion to return the weight to the floor. That’s one rep.

clean press

Now that we’ve covered the workout, lets focus on fueling your body with the food it needs to build those muscles.

Write down what you each and count the calories.  Add a few servings to your meals or perhaps fitting in an additional meal or snack to increase about 500 calories each day.  Its essential to eat about 0.8 grams of protein per pound your body weight each day, if you weight 150 pounds, then you need about 90-120 grams of protein.  Healthy unsaturated fats such as those found in nuts should also be added to your diet.  With about 120 calories per serving, you should be getting good “muscle fuel”