The Easiest Pets to Own

Many people, including myself, desire the companionship of a dog, but don’t have the time or money to invest in them. But If you just get a little creative, you can find the perfect low maintenance pet that’ll keep you company.

The first, and probably the most obvious is a fish. Most pet stores sell betta fish, which are on average around $3-5. Although an employee might persuade you to buy all the fancy gadgets along with a tank, you can get away with making one yourself or purchasing a cheap one. I hav found that bettas have personalities and can fill the void that the absence of pets brings. And the best part is the little to no work you have to put in to keep them alive.

If you’re looking for more than a fish, hamsters and other small animals are a great option. Rats are extremely intelligent animals despite the bad name they get. They can be really entertaining and they’re pretty low on the maintenance scale. But rats do require a large cage, which isn’t always ideal for small spaces. Large cages also smell, so putting the cage in an open space would be the best option. On the other hand, Hamsters don’t require as much space. They’re an adorable and cheaper option.

Finally, consider getting a cat. Because they use a litter box, you can leave them home alone without worrying about letting them out as you would a dog. They are very independent animals and can entertain themselves easily. You can adopt a cat from a rescue for less than $100. Cats can be very snuggly if you’re looking for a more personal pet. They even have automatic feeders for cats, so you wouldn’t even have to take time to feed them on a daily basis. One of the few problems with cats is that you never know what you’re going to get. Some cats are extremely cuddly and sweet, while others like to hide and can be aggressive. Starting with a kitten might be a safer option if you’re worried about the uncertainty.

I always recommend pets to people, especially if you live alone. A fish may seem like it wouldn’t make any difference, but it does. The tank can brighten a room and the fish adds a presence to it. Hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs are also good choices for those who can invest a little more time and energy into their pet. But If you’re willing to spend some more, you’ll get the most out of a cat