The meaning behind Indian Superstitions

  • Hanging Lemons and Chili Peppers will keep evil spirits away: The myth is that the goddess of misfortune, Alakshmi loves to eat things which are sour and spicy.  Hanging a combination of Lemons and Chili’s at your doorway will give her a taste of her favorite snack, satisfied she will turn away without entering your home or business.  In modern times a more scientific reasoning can be made that the string used to tie up this ornament will absorb the acid from the lemon juice which will act as a natural pesticide, creating a superstition encourages the masses to utilize this affective remedy.
  • Never shave or cut your nails after sunset: Well this one’s simple. Back in the day when there was no electricity someone could cut themselves pretty bad if trying to take to grooming “in the blind”, hence the birth of the superstition.  Tales of spirits lurking in the dark in search for flesh added some spice to the keeping the alive as a superstition.
  • Monetary gifts should be in an “odd” number: Adding a Ruppe or Dollar to your gift would turn the sum an odd number making it indivisible. A number ending in “zero” would indicate an end, so adding a “one” makes it odd assuring continuity.
  • Don’t sweep or vacuum after dark: If you sweep or vacuum after dark, Lakshmi the goddess of wealth will leave your place inviting poverty.  The superstition was created since during the “olden days” when no electricity at night might mean you missing some small ornaments or valuables sweeping them away.